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Reynaud’s disease: Causes, symptoms & treatment

28 / 02 / 25

Although Reynaud’s disease affects around 10 million people in the UK, awareness remains surprisingly low, with only one-third of the population aware of its symptoms and impact on health.

In this blog, we will discuss the causes of Reynaud’s disease, its symptoms and treatment, and the preventative measures you can take to reduce attacks.


What are the causes of Reynaud’s disease?

While the exact cause of Raynaud’s disease isn’t fully understood, we are gaining a clearer understanding of its symptoms and how to manage the chances of flare-ups. 

The blood supply to our fingers and toes is controlled by nerves connected to our blood vessels. In situations such as exposure to cold temperatures, these nerves can restrict our body’s blood flow as a natural defence against heat loss. However, for those who suffer from Raynaud’s disease, this response is more sensitive, causing the blood vessels to narrow more quickly than usual.

Cold temperatures aren’t the only thing that will trigger a Reynaud’s attack. Increased emotions such as anxiety or stress can also trigger an episode where the body reacts to changes in emotion in the same way it would with colder temperatures, shutting down the blood flow to your fingers and toes.

As we begin to understand this condition more clearly, new developments show that Raynaud’s can develop from prolonged use of vibrating machinery, such as drills, lawnmowers and other power tools.


Symptoms of Reynaud’s disease

As previously mentioned, Raynaud’s disease primarily affects the fingers and toes, though in some cases it can also impact other areas such as our ears, nose and lips. During an attack, you may notice these areas changing colour, typically turning very pale or even white, and often accompanied by pain, tingling, throbbing, or numbness due to restricted blood flow. As an attack progresses, this area may change to blue from a lack of oxygen and eventually red as blood flow returns.

Attacks can vary in duration. While most episodes typically last around 2 to 3 minutes, more severe attacks can persist for up to 2 to 3 hours. If you are struggling to regain sensation, the best thing to do is to move to a warmer environment; this increase in temperature will help restore blood flow and ease symptoms. 

In more severe cases, where attacks are prolonged or occur frequently, complications can arise. The lack of proper circulation may lead to the development of painful sores or ulcers on the fingertips, which can be slow to heal and increase the risk of infection if left untreated.

pair of open hands with white index fingers.


Unfortunately, there is no known cure for Raynaud’s. With that being said, there are lots of treatment options available to help manage Raynaud’s disease, most of which work by widening the blood vessels to improve circulation.

While these types of medication can be effective, they don’t just target the blood vessels in the areas where Reynard’s attacks occur. As a result, they may cause side effects such as headaches and dizziness due to an increased blood flow throughout the body.

For those who struggle with more severe symptoms of Raynaud’s, treatment can involve medication such as iloprost, administered through an IV drip. This medication acts directly on the blood vessels, helping them to open up, and is a brilliant solution to providing relief when other treatments prove unsuccessful.


Managing symptoms

If you have Raynaud’s, there are several steps you can take aside from medication to reduce the risk of attacks and better manage your symptoms.

Keeping warm

Staying warm is key to managing Raynaud’s, not just for your hands and feet but for your overall body temperature. Keeping your core warm helps maintain circulation to your hands and feet.

Wear several layers of clothing, as they trap heat more effectively than a single thick layer. Warm socks, gloves, and a hat can make a significant difference. 

When heading outdoors, wear warm gloves, ideally pre-warmed on a radiator or kept in an airing cupboard. Self-heating gloves and socks can also be useful. 

Consider using small, portable heating aids or hand warmers, which are widely available online and from outdoor shops.

If you do get cold, move to a warmer environment as soon as possible. However, avoid reheating too quickly, especially if your fingers or toes have changed colour and are painful. Rapid blood flow return can intensify the discomfort. The gentle movement of your fingers or toes can help ease this process.

It’s not always possible to avoid triggers entirely, but planning can make a big difference. For example, if supermarket trips worsen your symptoms, especially in the chilled aisles, consider asking someone to help with that part of the shopping or seek assistance from store staff.

jumpers hung up in a line.

Looking after your hands

Wet or dry, cracked skin can worsen Raynaud’s symptoms. Apply moisturising cream after your hands have been in the water, and make sure they are fully dry first.

Water-based creams like E45 offer short-term relief, while thicker, oil-based options like emulsifying ointment provide longer-lasting moisture. Older adults and children should opt for pH-neutral, unscented products to avoid skin irritation.

When working with water, always wear protective gloves to shield your skin.

If you must use vibrating tools, do so correctly, limit usage, and wear appropriate protective gear.



Regular exercise improves circulation and helps keep your hands and feet warm, especially when you’re outdoors in cold weather.

If you’re new to exercise or returning after a break, start gradually and increase your activity over time.

Choose activities you enjoy, as you’re more likely to stick with them in the long term.

group of middle aged people doing warm up exercises outside.


While no specific diet has been proven to help Raynaud’s disease, maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is still important for overall well-being.

If you’ve found our latest article an interesting read, or you would like to find out more about Reynaud’s disease, get in touch with us today.

Author Ladan Hajipour